Campaign optimization through algorithms in online auctions

Reduce costs through machine learning


The challenge

In the volume business of online advertising or eShops, margin advantages can be achieved by optimizing the transaction costs; conversely, high expenses for analog processing or advising reduce revenue.


For the advertiser CLEOO, Dimando, in cooperation with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, is developing an intelligent bidding algorithm that optimizes bids in online advertising auctions (AdWords, Facebook) and learns on its own. Besides data analysis and development of algorithms for campaigns with various data volumes, Dimando supports the customer in implementing the algorithm in its own ICT environment and automating the workflows.


Kl algorithms allow the customer to automate the optimization of any number of campaigns, reducing costs and improving margins. Artificial intelligence in general, and reinforcement learning in particular, offer large e-shop solutions and internationally positioned advertisers an up-to-date, digitized response to declining profits as a result of global competition.